Perinatal Loss Research Paper

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Essay Response Two Liberty University Crisis 606 How does grief involving parental reactions to perinatal deaths differ from reactions to other deaths? How does the loss of older children and adolescents differ from other deaths? Anxiety and depression are common within the first few months within any type of death rather it is perinatal or older children or adolescents. According to Wright (2011) the grief over the loss of a child is disabling and it will be more intense and last longer than grief over the loss of anyone else. Wright (2011) also reports the death of a child has been called the ultimate bereavement due to nothing preparing the parents for the tragedy of losing a child and the lost casting a shadow over the parents’ lives.…show more content…
The losses start with no longer having that mate and the surviving spouse is now alone as you have lost part of your identity. The surviving spouse’s sense of self and security is shattered and feel as though their anchor was cut and leaving the feeling of adrift (2011). Wright (2011) also described the feeling of the grieving spouse as someone who is treading water and feels as though their life is chaos and does not know where to go or what to do. The surviving person now has to make all of the decisions to include the funeral, estate, and needs of children if applicable. The lifestyle or livelihood of the surviving spouse is turned upside down as their spouse was such an important part of their lives and the loss can be very overwhelming as well as frightening. Having a support system will be very important as the surviving spouse will need to help with the feelings of abandonment or loneliness. How do you think that grief in the 21st century might differ from that in the 20th century? Grief in the 21st century may differ a little as it has been more studies conducted on grief in various aspects which helps train others how to become better providers for someone experiencing grief. Grief or the grieving process will not change however the approach to helping others going through it may.

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