Personal Narrative: The Man With The Weiner Dog Slippers

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The Man with the Weiner Dog Slippers I walk past this figure of a stranger twice a day as I go to and from work and he always makes me smile. He’s nestled in a little flower bed underneath the oak trees at St. Louis College of Pharmacy on the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Campus. There is a little brick pathway that leads up to him and a bench where you can sit and almost have a conversation of sorts with him. Dr. Leonard Naeger, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, reads the name badge on his lapel. At first glance, this statue isn’t very grand. Dr. Naeger is only about 5 feet tall. He’s wearing a wrinkled suit, and an even more wrinkly lab coat. He looks like he might be on his way to give a lecture. He’s carrying a small stack of papers in his left hand, his right hand is slightly outstretched as if he’s preparing to shake someone’s hand. His hair is a…show more content…
I remember a quote by Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” (Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now, 12). Dr. Naeger, I believe, touched many lives during his vast career. The slippers, I think, were what people noticed first and remembered about him. As his students grew to know him more, he was kind, patient, and caring. Dr. Naeger would have been the type of person to truly care about his students and help them however he could. He would have made his students feel successful, smart, and valued. He may have even been a father type figure to some. The woman bringing the flower to place in his lapel is a testament to the love that people still feel for this not to be forgotten mentor. Dr. Naeger is proof that you don’t have to be perfect to be remembered and honored. You can be quirky and disheveled, but if you live your life to make a difference and to help others reach their full potential, you will never be

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