Pertussis Case Study: Aureomycin

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Pertussis Community Health Issue Megan Ambrose HS315-02 Unit 7 Project-Part II Kaplan University April 15, 2012 In the 1940s both preventions and many new treatments were discovered, including a vaccine to prevent Pertussis that is also known as whooping cough. Though these early discoveries decreased the incidence of the disease for many years, it has returned in present day, as we are experiencing an increase in cases in the northern Virginia area, as well as across the United States. Just last summer, Virginia state health officials said there were 189 cases statewide, compared to 87 cases during the same period in 2010 (Associated Press). Pertussis is a highly contagious airborne bacterial…show more content…
Rats deficient in vitamin A had little chance of survival when inoculated with whopping cough germs, while those receiving adequate amounts of the vitamin, found in cod liver oil, recovered from the disease. In the late 1940s, streptomycin and aureomycin became the cures of choice. Streptomycin was first reported to be effective against whooping cough in Buffalo. Doctors even reported that if the treatment was given to the child before they began to whoop, roughly ten days after the beginning of the disease, the disease could be controlled. Aureomycin was discovered to be successful in defeating the disease once the disease was resistant to streptomycin. The use of aureomycin was a big discovery because it was used to treat other bacterial…show more content…
Pertussis vaccine is combined with vaccines for tetanus and diphtheria and given as a single injection. The combination vaccine is given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months of age, and when a child enters school. Current recommendations also advise that children receive a single booster dose of vaccine, preferably at 11-12 years of age. Adults who anticipate having close contact with an infant younger than age 12 months should also receive a single booster dose. Other adults may also receive a single booster dose of vaccine, if they have not previously had a

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