Physics Acceleration Lab

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Lab #2 Acceleration Mikaila Richards Lab partner: Christina Langone October 17th, 20th, 22nd, 2014 I. Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to design and perform an experiment that proves the hypothesis: An object in free fall moves with constant acceleration. Then determine a value of the acceleration in m/s⌃2. II. Equipment and Materials: * Gravity drop apparatus * Metal ball * Micrometer with the uncertainty of ± 0.1mm * Infrared light timers with an uncertainty of ± 0.0001s III. Procedure: 1. Measure the diameter of the ball and record in Table 1 with appropriate uncertainty. 2. Place the ball in the clamp of the gravity drop apparatus. 3. Clamp timers A and B near the top of the apparatus about three notches apart. 4. To begin measurements. Turn on timer A only. 5. Drop the ball from the clamp and record the time on the timer. Repeat this 2 more times for a total of 3 trials. Record the times in Table 1. Then find the average of the times and record in Table 1. 6. Repeat steps 4-5 for timer B. 7. Use the equation ∆x/∆t(a)=v(a) to find the velocity of the ball when it passes timer A. Record this value in Table 2. 8. Use the same equation as 7 except use timer B’s values instead and record in Table 2. 9. For the next measurement, turn both timers A and B on. 10. Release the ball from the clamp and record total time in Table 1. Repeat this step 2 more times for a total of 3 trials. 11. Use the equation ∆v/∆t=a to find the rate of acceleration and record in Table 2. 12. Repeat the procedure but with the two timers located in the middle of the apparatus three notches apart. (Timers C and D). Record observations in Tables 3 and 4. IV. Data: Table 1. | Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3 | Average | Time for metal ball through timer A | .0205 s ±.0001s | .0202 s

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