Policeman Of The World Research Paper

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Policeman of the World 1 Policeman/World – First Draft Policeman of the World Jeffery Presnell Strayer University – Global History 105 Dr. James Allen November 24, 2013 Policeman of the World 2 Abstract What are wars fought for? Is it really for freedom or is it to show off military dominance? What are the gains besides senseless death in the 21st century? Is democracy really the only way to world peace? Hopefully some of these questions may be answered. Also answering as to why the United States needs to be the policeman of the world. The journey for answers will be arduous. Policeman of the World 3 Just recently, the U.S. almost became embroiled in a civil war in Syria. The war itself had no direct effect on national…show more content…
became a super power was that after WW2, the American government saw a need to keep a vigilant watch on countries that wanted to harm U.S. interests. After the World Wars, enemy countries saw how rich the U.S. was in resources and wanted to capitalize on those resources. Also, they saw the threat of democracy on their own way of life in which those countries' saw the spread of democracy spread further into Europe soon after WW2.(2011, Lagon, M.P.) The differences between foreign policy before and after WW2 were very different. The U.S. was practicing isolationism and was focused on growth and trade. There was no need to intervene as domestic policy is what everybody wanted. The U.S. was getting very wealthy as a whole with the inventions of light, cars and airplanes. Everything was improving for all. Even after WW1, the U.S. tried to go back to isolationism and focused on just improving the American way of life. (2003, Frederick, R.) The U.S. came out of isolationism once again at the outset of WW2 when the attack on Pearl Harbor happened. Intervention won out as the U.S. now saw it as a means to preserving the American way of life. Communism developed as a way to keep everybody on equal ground. Since the U.S. was a capitalist nation, this was a major threat as the U.S. had its’ own belief that every man makes his own way in life and keeps what he earns.(2013,
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