Political Social Economic Impacts Of London Og

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“Describe and discuss the political, social and economic long term impacts that hosting the 2012 Olympic Games will have on the city of London in relation to the sport industry” “Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will, and mind” (Olympic Charter, n.d.). Introduction The Olympic Games are a major international event, that in 2012 are taking place in London. The earliest records of the Olympic Games date back to 776 BC in ancient Greece (About, n.d.). London was chosen to host the 2012 Olympic Games, and since then preparations have been underway in Stratford, “one of the capital’s most diverse and economically deprived areas” (Citymayors, 2008), as well as in other locations in London. The Olympic Games is a “mega-event” with potential significant impacts and benefits on the host city (Blake, 2005). The Games have been heavily promoted with the aims of “anticipated increased tourism levels” (citymayors.com, 2008), “developmental benefits” (Blake, 2005), and a “legacy of national benefits in (…) sport” (London2012, 2011), amongst others. It is hard to argue against the fact that the Olympic Games will have significant political, social and economic impacts on the sports industry in London. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all impacts are positive or beneficial. Furthermore, analysing how sustainable the proposed benefits are is also significant when evaluating the overall impact of the Games. In this essay, positive and negative political, social and economic impacts of the London 2012 Olympic Games will be discussed, and analysed in terms of long term significance on the host city, in relation to the sport industry. Political Impacts Politics have always been a big part of the Olympic Games. Sports in general, as well as an international mega-event such as the
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