Pride And Power In Sophocles Antigone

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3/10/12 There are many ways that reflect people's life such as loyalty,fate,pride and power. Pride is a topic that is most relevant to today's youth. Pride is something that occurs during Sophocles' Antigone and also occurs in todays youth. Its something that certain people cant set aside which usually drives people decisions. Pride drives the human behavior. Creon was a dictator who was driven by his pride and also his power. He was addicted to the respect and being in control over other people. This pride that he had caused him to make a lot of cruel decisions. He also doesn't allow family honor. When a son or father dies in battle, they are carried home to be properly buried by their families. Eteocles, Antigone’s dead…show more content…
Antigone dared to defy the King’s threat of death to bury her brother, and shows true family pride. According to the text, Antigone responds to Creon " I admit it i did it. I wont deny that." (PG.17-500). This shows sign of pride on standing up for her family pride. Antigone chooses to sacrifice herself to give her brother respect. By giving him a burial, she is setting his soul at rest so it may continue to Death peacefully. By burying Polynices, Antigone hands her life to Creon because the punishment for defying his orders is death. But, Antigone does not complain. She is proud to die for something she believes in. “It was by this service to your dear body, Polynices, I earned the punishment which now I suffer, though all good people know it was for your honor” (Sophocles 150). Antigone and Creon are somewhat alike. They both stand up for what they believe in, and never falter. Although their causes are completely different, the focus remains the same. Antigone is a hero in the eyes of the people and her legacy lives on in forever. The name of Creon, the dictator, is as dead as his cold and rotten

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