Principle of Loyalty in Hamlet

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The play Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one widely known for its evil principles such as revenge and betrayal, however, there are good principles demonstrated in the play. One of these good principles seen throughout the entire play is loyalty. Loyalty is seen as one of the most important characteristics a person should have. It is said that to have a sense of loyalty is to have faith and devotion for a person, cause or belief and if one is loyal, he or she is living in good sense. Loyalty is also the willingness to make a personal sacrifice for what you believe in or for one you truly care for. Throughout the play, there are four main characters that demonstrate their loyalty through their actions and risk their own lives to fulfill the wishes of a person they loved and admired. These characters include Hamlet, Laertes, young Fortinbras and Horatio. One of the prime examples of loyalty in the play is the relationship between Hamlet and his father. Hamlet is presented as a devoted son to the memory of his father, King Hamlet. In the beginning of the play, the audience recognizes Hamlet’s difficulty to except his father’s death. This is because of great amount of love, respect and admiration he has for his father as well as the disgust he has towards the hasty marriage of his mother and his uncle. One example that shows Hamlet’s loyalty to his father is in the beginning of the play when he is the only one still in mourning. Because his loyalty to his father is so strong, he continues to mourn his father even though his uncle and his mother have already persuaded the court as well as the kingdom to embrace the new reign. Another example in which Hamlet demonstrates his loyalty to his father is when he vows to carry out or fulfill the wishes of the ghost of his father. By promising to avenge his father and kill his uncle, he sacrifices his reputation, sanity and

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