Nursing Practice Reflection

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A reflection on the Principles of Nursing Practice in relation to the students practice experience.

In this assignment I will be looking at the Principles of Nursing Practice (RCN, 2012) focusing on the principles of dignity, safety and person centred care. I will also be detailing my understanding of the five other Principles of Nursing Practice and noting their application in this study. I will be applying these principles to an outline of a patient's care over my time in practice at a mental health unit in Kent. I will be addressing the practical application of Principles of Nursing Practice at the point of care in order to put them into context. I will also be exploring the legal frameworks, ethical debate and policies that underpin
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Sleep is promoted as one of the determinants of good physical and mental health (Wiebe et al., 2012).
When I spoke to the patient to introduce myself, they mentioned that they had been “talked into” being admitted by the Consultant in charge of their care. I wondered how this could be truly person centred as in Principle C but some element of coercion can be in the best interests of the mental health patient and demonstrate good leadership and responsive care as in Principle H (Bennett et al., 2012).
The patient also wanted to take some Co-Codamol for their dental pain but as they also had irritable bowel syndrome the only painkillers that they felt comfortable taking were weak ones which were unavailable on the Ward. As in principles A and D, the patient’s wishes were respected and as a priority for the patient these were ordered and a dental appointment was made. Although the patient was extremely anxious about it, the Dr persuaded them that the only way to overcome the anxiety was to go through with an appointment to see the oncologist. Again in a person centred way, the waiting time was reduced in order to help manage the
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The environment, attitude of staff and manner in which duties were carried out, all contributed to the dignity of the patient (Baillie and Gallagher, 2010).

On the day of the appointment a porter arrived with a wheelchair despite the fact that the patient was quite capable of walking. The porter stated to the patient that they were going to be wheeled over because the trust was worried about getting sued if people tripped and as 2 separate trusts operated on the same site there would be a lot of legal difficulties. This seemed to be contrary to principle D yet it did take into account principle C. This seems to be an area of conflict between these 2 principles.

This conflict takes the form of disempowering the patient and perhaps even a certain loss of dignity in being wheeled when one is capable of walking. However, after having read an article about preventing patient falls in hospitals in the BMJ (Tingle, 2007), I can understand why the expense and impact would make safety a priority. Even more so when you consider the effect of benzodiazepines, age and cognitive function on the ability of individuals to walk (Jensen et al.,

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