Professional Roles And Values In Nursing

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RUP1 Project
Professional Roles and Values
December 2013

RUP1 Project
My mission in nursing started at 24 years of age in 2009 when I became licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN) by the Bureau of Registered Nursing (BRN). I take great pride in helping my patients by alleviating the suffering and anguish that comes with hospitalization, regardless of race, ethnicity or status using solid evidence-based nursing practice, therapeutic interpersonal communication and emotional support. My mission has since evolved to a practice specializing in Oncology nursing with an Oncology Certificate awarded by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) in 2012.
I will describe the functional differences between the BRN and
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Peplau (Cherry, 2011). This theory speaks to the importance of helping the client move forward when the stressors of an illness keeps the client at a standstill. Using therapeutic interpersonal communication, the nurse can help the client to identify the stressors involved and provide avenues to move past them by the use of goal setting. The nurse employs several interventional processes and resources, mentoring and educating, and drawing on personal experiences to help the client to achieve the desired outcome (Cherry,…show more content…
Beneficence, “An ethical principle stating that one should do good and prevent or avoid doing harm” and Autonomy, “Personal freedom and right to make choices” (Cherry, 2011). The patient has the right to make choices regarding his care while hospitalized, and the nurse has to care for the patient taking his autonomy into consideration while also making sure the patient is in an environment that protects him from harm. Listening to the patient’s concerns and treating him with respect while educating him on all aspects of his care helped Mr. C understand all risks related to his situation, and he became more compliant. By not having an open discussion or listening to the patient’s needs, I believe the scenario would have turned out much differently, with the patient possibly becoming increasingly unhappy, resentful and labile. My efforts to keep Mr. C safe are ongoing, and thus far he has sustained no injuries during this hospital

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