Proposal for Diversity Audit: Johnson & Johnson

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Running Head: DIVERSITY IN JOHNSON & JOHNSON CO. 1 Diversity in Johnson & Johnson Co. Jayde Bachman Empire State College Author Note This proposal was prepared for Diversity in the Workplace, BME-213164-05-13SP1, taught by Dr. Robin 2 Abstract I have decided to conduct my audit on Johnson & Johnson because it is a company that I am familiar with. I use their products on a daily basis and feel that their products are a part of every household. I am curious how Johnson & Johnson has created a diverse company through every aspect of diversity. From gender to race to sexual orientation, how has Johnson & Johnson maintained their status while also being on DiversityInc’s “The Top 50 Companies for Diversity.” Does Johnson & Johnson strive to be a diverse company? Or do they just naturally follow the systematic approach to following diversity? I have many more questions that I will address in this proposal and will eventually answer through careful research in my final audit. 3 Diversity In Johnson & Johnson Co. Johnson & Johnson is a company that takes pride in its diversity. Not only do they recognize the necessity for diversity, they take steps to assure that diversity is prominent in the business. Johnson & Johnson’s mission statement is “To embed diversity and inclusion into our business to drive innovation and growth ensuring we better serve patients, customers, employees, and our communities” [1]. They know that in order to have a company which is thriving and growing, they must have a diverse group of people working for them. “We recognize that differences in age,

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