Psychological Perspectives: Biological, Psychodynamic, Cognitive, And

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Within the topic of psychology there are six perspectives: Biological, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Social Learning, Cognitive, and Behavioural. Each perspective is different from one another and can be link to a setting within health and social care. Psychological perspectives should be used within these care settings: Hospitals, Health Clinics, Nursing Homes, Day Centres, Resource centres for disabled people, Nurseries, Service User’s Home, Residential Settings, Schools, Foster care, Occupational Therapy. The Psychodynamic perspective of psychology is what happens within the unconscious mind of an individual. Freud was the developer of the Psychodynamic perspective and that certain events which happened in childhood, which have a major…show more content…
It looks at human behaviour, through the eyes of the individual who is behaving in a certain why. Psychologists who study the humanistic approach believe that individual’s behaviour is connected to their inner feelings how they emotionally feel and their self-image. This approach centres on the view that each individual is unique and has free will to change their mind at any time in any situation. The Humanistic approach can be used in counselling as it is used to encourage an individual’s self-esteem and self-image. An example would be an individual who over thought to much about feeling worthless and counselling thought it would help them. The councillor will continuously compliment the patient and uplift them with the things they say slowly giving them back their self-esteem and self-image. The approach can be used within a care home to ensure that a service user feels appreciated. A service user called Samantha lives in a care home and likes the staff to meet her needs. Her primary carer knows not to call her Sam and she prefers to be called Samantha, she is quite a quiet person and doesn’t like doing new things until her carer made her observe a knitting class, Samantha enjoyed it so much she decided to part-take, she won’t a certificate for the best knit blanket and she felt accomplished, this was her reward. The humanistic approach helped her with her…show more content…
The value of the cognitive approach is to enable children to understand the environment around them it’s also helpful in a situation whereby the development of a service user is an issue. Cognitive perspective helps service users such as children to explore with their hands and feet during early developments. However, cognitive perspective also assists children boost their knowledge and the understanding of self, others, and the physical world around them. In other words they develop the very spirit of play and encourage imagination and improves social skills. Through play a child learns about himself and the others around him which in turn teaches him how to deal with others in the wider world. Cognitive perspective is a significant part of early development. For example playing, playing helps children to learn the skills necessary to effectively take part in their world. It also offers children with natural opportunities to connect in real and meaningful

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