Psychological Treatments for Schizophrenia

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Discuss the Psychological Treatments for Schizophrenia. There are several psychological treatments for schizophrenia – one example is the family therapy. This teaches the family of the Schizophrenic to reduce the high levels of expressed emotion with the recovering sufferer. This is because high levels of expressed emotion seen in hostility, criticism or even over involvement within the families of the schizophrenic are associated with relapse and negative outcomes. During the therapy, the sufferer is not obliged to attend. Falloon et al (1985) developed a form of family management to be used when the patient returned home from the hospital. Each of the family members are interviewed and the emphasis is to teach everyone in the family certain things. For instance how to be constructive, be empathic in their dealings with each other and with their schizophrenic relative and how to avoid causing stressful interactions with him or her. Another alternative psychological treatment is the use of cognitive behavioural therapy. This involves educating the client about the illness and the process of the treatment. The therapist and client must establish a therapeutic relationship so that the bond of trust is developed. In some clients, rapport is developed by the therapist being genuine, respectful and empathic. During the therapy, the client must do homework and actively confront their own problems. It involves challenging their habitual interpretation of events and own faulty perception. The therapist must attempt to normalise and de-stigmatise the disorder and it is essential for them to talk normally to the client. There are various types of cognitive behavioural therapy; Coping Strategy Enhancement and Reality Testing. Coping Strategy Enhancement involves reducing the hallucinations and delusions of the client. The Reality Testing involves the therapist challenging

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