Quotes From 'The Epic Of Gilgamesh'

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Gilgamesh was a king of Uruk that was on the river in Iraq. It was known to be that he lived till about 2700 B.C. He was rumored to be the talk of the crowd. He was often written about almost 700 years before his time. Whoever he was known by followed his rules down to the point. we were introduced to the oldest human author we can name by name, I think that he was looked very highly upon. Especially after what he wrote, and how everyone one took to his words. Everything he said went down in the books, even 700 years later. now this proves how strong of a man he was, and how framework was made. With out him; nothing was really set in books yet, until he was able to make it happen. The flood, is a story which the only humans that survived did so by climbing the mountain, Yamustus. This is focused on one of the geography elements. If mountains were not fit to be able to climb on than how did most of these humans survive. Enkidu says, “of you two, may Enkidu not live longer, may Enkidu not find any peace in this world!” (Page 4, Table 5) this is a quote of a curse that was placed on Humbaba by Enkidu right before he removes his head. This quote proves how these men acted towards each other, I…show more content…
They knew exactly what to do when it came to running their people. They were always so very successful. If any little problem arose they knew exactly how to take care of it. Believing that the gods had given them all they had, the Sumerians saw the intentions of their gods as good. Believing that their gods had great powers and controlled their world, they than knew what they had to live up to, and provide. They concluded that their hardships and misfortunes were the result of human deeds that displeased the gods - in a word, sin. They believed that when someone displeased their gods, these gods let demons punish the offender with sickness, disease or environmental

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