REBT And Christian Counseling Analysis

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By Nathan Henderson Presented to Dr. Jensen in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for CO 751 July 31, 2014 An Integration of REBT and Christian Counseling By Nathan Henderson Presented to Dr. Jensen in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for CO 751 July 31, 2014 An Integration of REBT and Christian Counseling Contents Introduction 3-6 A Quick Glimpse at the History and Development 6-8 Importance to the Field of Counseling 8-10 Difference in Worldview 10-11 ABC Model and Christian Compatibility 11-12 View of Human Nature 13 Client-Therapist Relationship 14 Rejection of Medical Model of Assessment 14-15 Important Elements of Counselor Function, Identity, and Ethics 15-16 Biblical…show more content…
As a secular humanist, Ellis removed God from the equation early on and believed that human beings are essentially good by nature. He ignored the idea of sin as well. Human beings are important simply because they are alive. As a result, the purpose of therapy is to assist people in living a happier, more self-actualizing life (Ellis, 1996). In fact, Ellis (1996) wrote that “REBT squarely places humans in the center of the universe and of their own emotional fate...” (p. 8). Scripture, on the other hand, maintains a very different view of human nature. Christians traditionally teach that since the fall all human beings are born with a sin nature, and our acts flow out of this sin nature. Sin affects every aspect of our being. It affects us from our body, to our mind and will. This is known as the doctrine of total depravity. This doctrine is popular amongst various evangelical groups. Many Christians maintain that a historical examination of Christianity will reveal that a biblical view of the fall requires affirmation of the concept of original sin. Humans therefore sin because we have a corrupt and fallen nature. Ellis believed that clients needed to be encouraged to dismiss their ideas about sin. However, the Christian counselor must take sin seriously. It is impossible to deny the power that sin has over a fallen individual, and when counselors confront the idea of sin it is imperative that they do not attempt it by shaming the client. A proper understanding of human nature when combining REBT and Christian counseling is necessary. In order to understand and confront sin properly Christian counselors can engage in empathic confrontation whereby the significance of sin is not minimized, but a safe and accepting environment is provided for the client to engage in honest self-exploration. This environment will allow the client the opportunity to feel safe and ready to truly open themselves up. This is
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