Racism In America

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Racism in America Racism is a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others (Webster Dictionary). Racism in America has been an issue for hundreds of years, and still continues to develop presently. Heavy burdens of racism in the country have fallen apon native americas, africans Americans, asian Americans, mexican americans, american jews, and irish americans. Major racially structured institutions included slavery, Native Americans reserations, segregation, residental schools (for Native Americans), and internment camps for the Asian Americans during World War II (Hansman). All of theses ethic groups experiences some kind of racism, from White Supremacy, scientific, state positive and institutionalized racism, also segregstion and discrimanation. Racism towards Native Americans was very obvious and unconcealed. As settlers adapted and enter what they called the new world , killing the natives and taking their land was a big way they went about conquering. Surviving Natives were denied equality and often treated as outsiders , or wards of the state. Many of them were regualted to reservations, consituting just four percent of the U.S territory. Also they were forced to attend residental school systems, which sought to reeducate them in white settle American values, culture and econmony, to “kill the Indian, save the man” (Kapper). George Washington and Henry Knox believed that Native Americans were equal but their socity was inferior. The government appointed agents to live amoung them, and teach them through example and instruction, how to live like the whites. Washington formulated policy to encourage the “civilizing” process. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 granted U.S citizenship to all
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