Reality Is Never Fact but Fiction

637 Words3 Pages
Most people assume that if you can touch an object, taste it, or hit something with it, it must be real, and their knowledge of its reality is based on the direct apprehension of the facts at hand. Fiction, on the other hand, because it is made up by us, is not a fact we can apprehend directly, and is thus either false or unreal. I am arguing that the reverse is true, that our access to reality is based on fiction rather than fact, that we understand something only insofar as we tell ourselves a story about it. By this I mean that fiction is inherently more 'true' than fact, and that what we call facts are actually nothing more than good fictions- ones which we deem most reasonable to accept. In regards to the film ‘The Adjustment Bureau’, it looks into the concept of free will, and whether that is fact or fiction. The film suggests that it is fiction, and that every decision we make, is not based on what we want, it is based on what we were meant to do. As this does not directly translate into our lives, it does have similarities. Free will is believed to be fact in our daily lives, on whether we want to buy a coffee in the morning or not as an example. That is supposedly based on our own free will. As that is only what we deem most reasonable to accept, we call it fact, as we could believe and claim anything, and call it fact, but all these are fictions, until proven one hundred per cent correct. This is shown in The Adjustment Bureau with the entire population blinded by what is really happening, as their lives are being controlled. They have the illusion of free will, and they don’t know the fact of reality, and they have their reality as a fiction. If they were to believe otherwise, they wouldn’t be taken seriously, so why try to explore the depths of what reality really is? With the film ‘Shutter Island’, it delves into the world of psychological issues,

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