Reflective Essay On Rhetorical Analysis

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1 Nov. 2012 WRD 103 Reflective Essay Throughout the course we have covered many different aspects of the writing process. Starting off we focused on analysis of other’s writings and introspection of how those words had a strong impact on our lives. It provided a basis for us to think critically about what we are reading and what the author has intended for us to understand. Next we looked at rhetorical analysis and how the words a writer or orator uses can affect their message. Analyzing how effective the rhetors choice of words are in relation to context, message, and audience, allowed for self reflection on how we made similar choices in our own writings. Using our recently acquired knowledge of rhetoric, we learned to use our words to influence or persuade others. We considered what methods of persuasion worked…show more content…
Critically analyzing these text gave me a better grasp of some of the more conceptual ideas about language and writing. Lederer’s “The Case for Short Words” helped me understand that often long, complex words are not always preferable. Whenever I was revising my papers I always looked for words that were unnecessarily so. Some of the essays we read didn’t directly tie into my writing but helped me understand how certain choices influenced my consumption of the written word. Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stoopid?” and Naughton’s “The Internet: Is it Changing the Way We Think?” showed the impact technology has had on us related to reading and critical thinking. It made me more aware of both the benefits of how accessible written word is in modern times, but also how we analyze what we are reading with much less depth than we have historically. Having online and in class discussions on the various topics brought up by the essays we read gave a good perspective into how conflicted people are with the upsides and downsides of the changes in language and how we approach
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