Reflective Statement Essay

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Our group chose to volunteer at the Pier Aquarium for our service learning project. Our main task was to design the Aquarium’s brochures, so that they become more competitive with the brochures, which other tourist places offer. In addition, we helped with setting up for the Fish Head Ball, which was a charity event held by the Aquarium to raise funds. I had an amazing experience, while doing the project, because I discovered that it can be very rewarding to volunteer, especially if you like the people you are working with. The Service Learning Project was the first volunteer work that I have done in my life, so initially I was not really sure of what to expect from the experience. When my group members and I headed over to the Volunteer fair a couple of months ago, none of us knew what we wanted to do for sure. We were open for pretty much anything, but still it had to be something that would grab the interest of all of us. As we entered the crowded Fox Hall, we saw many stands cluttered next to each other, each with a person behind them hoping to recruit some volunteers. We wandered around for a bit looking for something to catch our attention. We saw the Pier Aquarium stand where Karen (our future supervisor) was smiling at us and inviting us to learn more about the aquarium. I have always been interested in marine life and something was telling me that was the project that we would end up choosing. After speaking with Karen for a bit we walked around some more to see all the organizations, but my initial feeling was right. All of us agreed that we liked the Pier Aquarium the most and that is how we chose our project. I would say that our project was effective in achieving the desired result- we managed to design brochures that the people at the Aquarium really liked. Our group was really pleased with that accomplishment. However, as it can be expected in a

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