Religous Rhetoric In Mccarthy's Chigure

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McCarthy uses religous rhetoric in Bells descriptions of Chigure. By calling him a ‘prohphet of destruction’ it is Bells way of articulating something that he can not understand. Throughout the novel we come to realise that Bell infact has no religious faith. Therefore Chigurh is not a transendent force of evil, he is human and in control of his own choices. What is really being articulated is that ‘we are living in a time of change’ modern society is a society based on the freedom to choose our actions as they are no longer ordaned by a religon. Bell states that ‘God lives in silence.’ This is evoking of Nitzchian assumptiong that ‘God is dead and we killed him.’ However this is not a pessimistic view that society is heading for damnation,…show more content…
Chigurh believs in violent fait. As articulated in the coin toss that Chigure uses when deciding weather to kill. This is inothing to do with fait, he has already made the choice to kill. Earlier in the novel, McCarthy depicts Chigurh finding enjoyment in killing; ‘dont look away. I want you to look at me’ ‘He looked at Chigurh...Chigurh shot him through the forehead and then stood watching. Watching the capillaries break up in him eyes. The light receiding.’ This articulates that the only reason of the coin toss it to it enhances his thrill of the kill, it adds a frisson to his game. It is Clara-Jean the innocent who ultimatly asseess . ‘you make it like it is the coin, but its you.’ This is McCarthy’s main point about choice within a violent landscape. There is no higher faith, no fate or god. The moral decisions of weather to indulge the violence inherited to us is a personal one. As Raff states it is not Chigurh that is evil ‘It is clearly money and drugs that are vehicles of ‘evil’ and the temptations that turn peple to their dark and shadowy sides’ just to enhance his thrill/pleasure of the hunt/kill... adding a frisson to the game to make it more exciting - it's nothing to do with choice. He has already made the choice to
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