Rent Film Analysis

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Rent Film Analysis In the Musical Rent, the Jonathan Larson describes both the highs & lows of a bohemian community in the 90’s as well as the health issue of HIV/AIDS. Throughout the movie, Larson does this by portraying bohemia through a group of friends who live in an unconventional lifestyle. Not only is Larson able to just portray the idea of bohemia but he is able to do so by giving the audience a vivid understanding of the homosexuality, living situations, friendship, sickness, and struggle associated bohemia. Larson portrays the aspect of homosexuality related with bohemia with the relationships of both Collins & Angel and Maureen & Joanne. As the movie played out, only the gay relationship of Collins & Angel really championed over all others, for at Angel’s funeral service, speeches were given about the great life he had and how they wished they could have the same. Sarah Schulman on the contrary states “Rent clearly depicts a world in which heterosexual love is true love. Homosexual love exists but is inherently secondary in that is either doomed or shallow or both.” (SSR). I would have to strongly disagree with Schulman, for I believe she took the movie out of context. Larson did not purposely kill off angel and make the relationship of Maureen & Joanne difficult to point out that homosexual relationships doesn’t last, it’s just the way the movie went. Although the relationship of Collins & Angel was short lived, due to the tragic death of Angel, it was admired deeply by all gay or not. Another reason I have to disagree would be because of the fact that the relationship of Mark & Maureen as mentioned in the beginning of rent did not last. To me this shows that the musical gives no evidence that homosexual relationships are more doomed then heterosexual relationships. The living situations of bohemia is personified
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