Research Paper On The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby Final Essay The American Dream has been Shattered The American Dream is a belief, a desire, and an illusion. In the 19th century, people all over the world immigrated to America hoping for a better life. They cherished this ideal that with their unremitting efforts and fighting spirit they can live a better life. However, the American Dream is a strong belief that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their goals and become rich and prosperous if they only work hard enough. F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays Jay Gatsby as the character of The Great Gatsby who cherishes a great aspiration of wealth and the desire for love to find a way to achieve his American Dream. However, this ideal American Dream is not realistic. The day…show more content…
But now, three years has past, everyone could have changed. Money is not omnipotent, however, without money, nothing can be done. Gatsby tries his best to achieve his dream of wealth because he wants to win Daisy back and this dream actually succeeds. Gatsby is a West Egger who just recently receives his money. He lives in a splendid and gorgeous house. “…it was a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden. It was Gatsby's mansion” (10). As what Nick describes, Gatsby’s house is nothing more than an immaculate symbol of his incalculable income. Gatsby uses the house in an attempt to win happiness and respect from his neighbors. Furthermore, Gatsby thinks that someday Daisy may be attracted by the beautiful house that he has. Not only is the house itself fabulous, the party that is held every week in Gatsby’s house is huge. “…no thin five-piece affair, but a whole pitiful of oboes and trombones and…show more content…
However, the hope becomes a reverie which is impossible to achieve and finally vanishes with the death of the Great Gatsby. Gatsby succeeds in achieving the dream of money and he also tries to succeed in achieving his dream of love. Although he does not achieve a successful love with Daisy, he does try his best to rekindle it. However, the dream of hope is unachievable. The next day after Gatsby was killed, nobody really shows up, not even one person. Only some journalists and unfamiliar people come to Gatsby’s house in the morning to mourn the death of the Great Gatsby. Daisy is the person who should be in attendance but “(Nick) called up Daisy half an hour after we found (Gatsby), called her instinctively and without hesitation. But she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and taken baggage with them” (117). Daisy does not show up and Nick does not receive any wishes from her. It indicates the cold and detached emotions of Daisy and the Americans. Daisy does not show any kindness or blessing to the antecedents. Daisy is merciless and without any sympathy. She does not even care about the death of her former lover, the Great Gatsby, which proved that the love between Daisy and Gatsby is not true love at all. Hope is disillusioned by their untrue love. Another person that chooses not to come is Gatsby’s work partner, Wolfshiem. He says that “he cannot come down now as (he is) tied up in some very

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