Resistant Attachment: Elizavette

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Resistant Attachment Resistant attachment is the attachment pattern characterizing infants who remain close to the parent and fail to explore before separation, then are usually distressed when the parent leaves. When the parent returns the infant combines clinginess with angry, resistive behavior. This theory of resistant attachment really interested me because I have witnessed it plenty of times with my boyfriend’s nephew, Noah, and his sister-in-law, Elizavette. When first reading this chapter I thought they had a secure attachment but once I dug a little deeper and we discussed it in class I realized that it was not secure at all. Noah as an infant was very attached to his mother, Elizavette. He had special bonds with his father, older sister, and great grandma who all live with him as well but it was nothing compared to the mother/son relationship. When Noah was born Elizavette put in a leave of absence from her job to take care of him. So they spent everyday with each other, then after work or school the rest of the family would be home as well. Once Noah was a little older…show more content…
Elizavette is his secure base and when she left the only way he knew how to handle the loss was to act out. When she would return he would cling to her because he needed that feeling of security but would hit or yell at her because he was also showing her that her leaving made him upset. I do not think there is any true answer to children who go through resistant attachment. I feel that everyone reacts to things in different ways and especially at a young age it is hard to reason or explain to them what is going on. I think that if you have two very patient and loving parents the child will learn to cope with it as he or she grows up, like in the case with Noah. It took him quite some time to figure it out but now he is in a much happier and healthier relationship with both his mother and

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