Returning to College

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Since having no college degree, I knew that good jobs would be hard to find. I decided it was time for me to make a life changing decision. I started with returning to college to earn my degree. Even though returning to college will be a life changing experience for me. Returning to school has been a dream of mines since I graduated from high school. The different job opportunity and having a better income to support me and my family would make me so happy. Quitting my job of 14 years motivated me to return to school to earn a degree. I want to have a stable and good paying job so that I can save for my son’s college as well. Jobs are hard to find these days, especially when they are seeking a High School diploma or a College degree of some sort. My returning back to school is the best decision that I have made thus far and when I finally graduate, I will know for sure that I made the right choice. My family has a lot to do with me returning to college, I know that there are different job opportunities for me. In order to make it in this world, you have to have some type of degree. Having financial problems played a factor also in my returning to school. Being a single parent, with no support, I knew that I had to make some drastic changes. I have to joggle so many tasks each day and it can be hard. My family motivates me not to give up on my academic goals because I know it is something I have to do. Additionally, having a better income to support me and my family would be nice. Having more income each month would give me stability. It is important for me to be stable, I want to be able to have a decent job, something that is dependable, and one that pays. Without a diploma or degree you will not make it too far in life. Earning my degree will put me in control of my life As I continue on my journey towards my degree, I am looking forward to learning

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