Revenge In Candle In The Wind

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Revenge Essay Revenge, the act of taking vengeance for wrongs opposed to retribution, punishment that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved, seems like a fair contest; especially when a wrong has been done wrong. Terri Mizuno, a main character in Maureen Wartski’s Candle in the Wind, finds her world flipped upside-down when her older brother, Harris, is shot, and killed on the night of a party in his honor. She struggles to fend off a tide of hate, racism, and bigotry, as her heart is forced to choose between revenge and retribution for the loss of her brother. Terri acts appropriately when finds herself a confidant, develops her new-found talent for writing, and makes a sacrifice that ultimately decides her choice for retribution.…show more content…
The effect is Harris’s death, she realizes, but what is the cause? Her journal also becomes her second confidant the one she can confide in when she needs an ear to listen, but not a mouth to comment. “Until the night that Harris died, I loved the sound of rain...Now I hate it. It makes me think of someone crying” (44). It is the result of writing in her journal that prompts the answer to Terri’s question. Her heart, a golden rose, slowly being blotted out by specks of soot. Perhaps one little speck of soot, smaller than even this comma, wouldn’t make a difference. But many specks will, and will smother the rose, leaving a once perfect golden rose, black, ugly, and dead. Simultaneously, Terri realizes hate will suffocate her heart, her sense of rightness, if she doesn’t do anything to…show more content…
At this point in the book, Terri is divided between doing what she wants, or doing what she knows is correct. “I pulled out the by now well-fingered notebook, sat down at my desk, and stared at the last entry, which read: “I will hate Rodney Waring till I die.””(126). At this point, Terri realizes that here is her chance! To let Waring get what he deserves, or not? To hate or not to hate? To kill her rose, or not? To give in to anger, sorrow, teetering on the edge of hurting the rose, much like a brick precariously balanced on the edge of a cliff, or to placate herself, to look at the situation with eyes and wonder: Do I want this? Will this solve any problems? No, she decides. The decision is made, and the brick on the edge of the cliff settles onto a bit of ground that is just a bit more solid. The wind lifts the soot particles away. Her choice unlocks Terri’s new self, her being. Seeing others’ true colors, and who they really are. Examining people from a new
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