Review Of Michael Pollan's In Defense Of Food

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Section I In Michael Pollan’s novel “In Defense of Food. An Eater’s Manifesto, the few words that sum up the entire book was, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”. Pollan’s enticing style of the book kept something that could have been extremely boring very engaging. He also took a complex subject and made it easier for readers to understand what he was trying to convey. You can say it is a modern twist to a dietary guideline book of dos and don’ts with a little bit of politics involved. Pollan explains that the government, scientist, and even nutritionist have been distorting, and confusing consumers with the foods that are out in market these days. For example, Pollan talks about margarine, and how scientists “claim” that it is a better, and cheaper substitute for butter, but it contains all these unnecessary ingredients that could be more harmful to the human body. Scientist believed by taking out saturated fats and cholesterol they could make margarine healthier, but what they did not know was it would produce unhealthier fats known as, trans fats. People never think about how deep and revealing food can be, but after reading this novel it’ll open your eyes to what really lies…show more content…
If you eat at your desk, in your car, and while watching television it’s hard to know how much you’re eating because your focus is not set on food, but what is going on in your external environment. Another rule is don’t eat food so fast. Savoring your food is more important then filling your body. Don’t always assume that being full is good for the body, mind, and soul. When really it’s just expanding your stomach to consume more and more each time. The number one rule that Pollan seems to focus on is about eating processed foods. Keep those out of your pantry. It’s human nature to have an urge for things, so treat yourself to certain foods only on the weekend, if you have

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