Review Of The Book 'Their Eyes Were Watching'

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Olivia Allmen Mrs. Palace Lit. and Lang 11A 16 October 2012 What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger Human beings are not meant to be alone. We do not live alone, talking to ourselves. We need relationships with other people, no matter what the cost is, to give us a sense of support and guidance. We are social creatures, who need to talk and interact almost as much as we need food and sleep. We need others so much, that we, society, has developed a commitment called, marriage. Marriage assures us of company, even if it’s not always positive or helpful. Unfortunately, some marriages are not the epiphany of support, but instead hold dangers for both members. Only the best marriages improve both people. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching…show more content…
Once one thing goes wrong you’re scared to try it again. When Janie went through two marriages where they controlled her, where she had no freedom, and where they both ended badly, we can understand why she is hesitant. After Janie and Teacake got married she had all the fears and doubts in the world, especially after he stole her money. But after returning from gambling the money away with almost double of it back she realized she wanted to be a part of everything Teacake did. “…Janie looked down on him and felt a self-crushing love. So her soul crawled out of her hiding place” (128). Hurston uses this metaphor to emphasize the fact that Janie could never really be herself and that now she finally found someone who would let her be who she wanted to be. As a reader I feel like Janie is finally content with herself and is happy enough to where she can be herself around someone. Teacake made her realize what love was all about and it opened her eyes to what love could have been like in her prior marriages with Logan and Joe. Later in the novel Teacake dies. She was grieving over him but “the kiss of his memory made pictures of love and light against the wall. Here was peace. She pulled in her horizon like a great fish-net…so much of life in its meshes! She called in her soul to come and see.” (193). Hurston used a simile, personification and a metaphor to make the reader realize that Janie had finally…show more content…
Janie’s constant struggles through her life journey impacted her greatly, making her change her ways and become the person she is. It may take you more than one marriage or more than one boyfriend to find out who allows you to be yourself, what makes you happy and who give you support and guidance. Remember you have all your life to figure it out, so in the mean time just be

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