Rob Dyrdek: A True Hero

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Angelino Villar Essay fundamentals October 15, 2010 Rob Dyrdek Lurking within the dark streets of Los Angeles layss hopelessness and despair. With armies of the less fortunate living on the streets and the skaters who are arrested every day for riding them, Los Angeles appears to be nothing less than a city of zombies. This is merely a run through for your every day citizen. Not many people seem to have the power to right these wrongs, but when in such trouble, a hero is needed. In 199, young Rob Dyrdek moved to LA, yearning his profession as a skateboarder. Sponsor after sponsor, Rob became a big name in skateboarding and lives up his dream. Now, in the shoes of a professional skater, Rob gives back to his sport and the city that…show more content…
Rob Dyrdek is a brave individual. Even though most of his stunts seem to be attempted for the sake of his T.V show, Rob Dyrdek’s fantasy factory, most people wouldn’t dare to do them. During the time he was designing his very own brand of toys, he wanted to name one of the action figures “Shark bait”. Since he’s never had any encounters with a shark, he decided to put on a medal suit and swim with the fishes. Of course, he was under the supervision of a professional and the sharks weren’t anything close to a Hammerhead, but he still carried on the title. In his assistance of helping Drama, his cousin, live up his brand young and reckless, he had him jump off an eight story building onto a giant inflatable pad. Even though his brand was nowhere along the lines of dropping to near death, Rob proved his bravery by taking the leap of…show more content…
Hero’s always put the wellbeing of others before them selves. Rob Dyrdek’s nature asserts courteous as a necessity. In the previous show, “Rob and Big”, He tagged along with a guy who went around giving away free ice cream. After feeling the satisfaction of giving away free things, he gathered up bags of his own belongings and gave them to the homeless around town. Compared to his Santa act in “Rob and Big”, Rob created a twitter competition for the first forty winners to come visit his warehouse and receive a box of his brand-sponsored items. To match up with the title of his current show, Rob makes peoples fantasies come true. When ever he’s mailed a fantasy that catches his eye, he will invite the person over and have their fantasy

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