Role Of Obesity In America

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Cynthia Holland English 102 Professor Myers 2 March 2011 Word Count 1,184 How the Epidemic of Obesity is Taking Over America According to Barbara Mantel, the rate of obesity “has increased dramatically over the last 40 years, and in 2001 the nations surgeon general went so far as to call obesity an epidemic” (Mantel par. 1). The obesity epidemic has affected millions of live across the United States. There are important factors as to why obesity is such a problem in America, too many people are eating excessive portions of fast foods, people are getting less exercise, and with new technology being developed people are becoming more sedentary. The rate of obesity among the people of the United States has become alarmingly overwhelming.…show more content…
According to Tom and Gena Metcalf, “At the same time entrepreneurs were creating more types of fast food, people also started moving less, driving more, and watching more T.V.” (Metcalf 32). Most cities are spread out across a wide distance, and because of that more people drive to get to their destinations, rather than walking or riding a bike. The Metcalf’s state, “ One in every two kids walked or biked to school 30 years ago, but today, just one out of eight does” (Metcalf 32). There are about 32 students in one class, so out of the thirty-two, only four of those students walk or ride a bike, the other twenty-eight catch a ride. There are too many children and adults that are inactive, “A 2002 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey found that 61.5 percent of children aged 9– 13 did not participate in any organized physical activity during their non-school hours and that 22.6 percent did not engage in any free-time physical activity (CDC, 2003)” (Eduardo 7i). People also have less time throughout the day for exercise, due to many factors: more time at their jobs, more errands to run, being a single parent, having to care for others, going to school and working a full time job. Whatever peoples excuses might be, they are not getting the exercise and physical activity that the body needs to be healthy. Most people turn on the T.V. when they come…show more content…
With many fast food restaurants opening, less exercise being done, and the constant changes of technology, people need to be aware that this epidemic will not cease if something isn’t done about it. If we, as a whole country, work together we can save ourselves from this epidemic and prevent or grandchildren from suffering from obesity as well. Obesity is a serious problem health wise and financially. Most will find that it is agreed upon that this problem needs to be attended to as soon as possible. There are so many out there suffering from obesity, but don’t understand how to control it. If more light where shed upon this situation more people would be getting the help they needed to nip this epidemic in the butt. Obesity is a huge problem that needs to be addressed, if not we will continue to see a rise in overweight children and

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