Romans 1-8 Biblical Worldview Essay

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Marcus Dillard 3/26/2015 Biblical Worldview Romans 1-8 Everyone has Biblical worldviews no matter what race or religion you are. A worldview is the framework of beliefs by a person’s views on the world around him. In common paralance, it is the grid through which a person interprets everything. For Christians it’s the Bible. Scripture is the grid through which believers view existence, truth, sin, salvation, ethics, and evil. This biblical worldview is based on God’s truth and the humanity and the purpose of God in our lives. The Natural World We see the natural world as being created by God and through his words. God has always shown who he was through the creation of himself and mankind. God was one that spoke into existence on everything he foreseen present or future. The natural world was waiting for Gods sons to be revealed, because this is our natural world there are created worlds that already know and testify to the evidence of God. In Romans 1:20 “ For since the creation of the…show more content…
This was dictated from identifying this through the Jews and Gentiles. If you called yourself a Jew, you basically relied on the law and boast of God. Gentiles didn’t rely on that of the laws. The only way they were alike was under the power of sin. Reason being was that God said “No One is Righteous” The righteousness is given through faith. Gentiles and Jews have no difference between them for being have sinned and fell short of the glory of God and they are all justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Once we have been justified through the faith that the Romans believed they have peace with God and through whoever gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. Paul Stated also that man is decedent of Adam and all men are sinful. Sin is passed down from generation as well as death. There was Grace, justification, and eternal reign to conquer

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