Romans And Christian Worldview

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Romans and Christian Worldview Bible 425-B05 3/1/2015 Because of Paul, the book of Romans teaches us about so many aspects of the Christian life. Paul’s letter was not meant to be a systematic theology, but rather a letter presentation of the Gospel. The book of Romans covers a wide variety of topics that are essential for followers of Christ to live by. The topics creation, sin, salvation, eschatology, ethics, and theology are the key points found in Paul’s letter, and understanding each is key to the growth of every believer’s relationship with God. CREATION On the first topic, creation, Paul teaches in Romans 1:19-20 that the world was spoken into existence by God. Verse 20 states that His invisible qualities-his eternal power and…show more content…
Romans 11 teaches about the last days and what Christians can expect during these times. Earlier in Romans 8 Paul explains the foreknowledge of God, predestination and the election of the saints. The strong debate of Calvinism vs. Arminianism is found in this passage as well. Whether the believer was called or if they responded to the call of God, the ultimate goal of justification and glorification of the believer is the main point that Paul is trying to get across to the Roman Christians. Beginning in chapter 12 Paul discussed how Christians are to live. In Romans 12:1 Paul urges the Christians: “in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.” Paul continuously reminds the people to live above reproach and renew their minds so that they do not become part of the world. In the entire book of Romans Paul discusses the topic of how we as Christians should live, but Moo makes a great point in our book of how chapter 12 is a more in depth teaching on this matter. Moo states that "All theology is practical, and all practice, if it is truly Christian, is theological. Paul's gospel is deeply theological, but it is also eminently practical. The Good News of Jesus Christ is intended to transform a person's life. Until individual Christians own and live out the theology, the gospel has not accomplished its purpose. Paul has briefly touched on the practical significance of what he writes throughout Romans 1-11. But beginning in chapter 12 Paul turns his full attention on the ethical implications of the gospel.” (393) The process of sanctification is constant. The Holy Spirit is always transforming us into the image of Christ. When we accept and believe the Good News an evident change will occur in our lives. Paul then teaches of how our lives will be transformed by the mercies of God. Romans 12:1-2 reads that we will be
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