Romantic Music and Hector Berlioz

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Berlioz Essay: Discuss how Hector Berlioz was such a musical innovator on many different levels. Provide evidence from works and biographical sources. Intorudction: For thousands of years Europe has been continually facing internal conflict between the countries borders. Alexander the Great and his greek empire once expanded all over europe and Asia conquering Persia and many parts of India. Following this, the Roman empire conquered Europe for approximately the next 1500 years, continually chopping, changing and re-defining the boundaries of nations. Through this destabilisation of countries borders Europe countries never developed a sense of nationality until after the French Revolution in 1790. The French revolution was brought on by a number of factors including Ecomonic recession, socio economic inequality and social injustice. It was through this french Nationalistic uprising that the powers of Europe united and joined forces to define the national boundaries that exist today. Through enlightenment theories brought forth by a move to logic and scientific reasoning rather then religious dogma and superstition, the philosophers of this time opened up thought patterns. Leading to an expansion in creative ideas. Artists felt the inspiration to explore and discover new emotions within their work. Especially within music the rigid structures of form and instrumentation previously adopted by Baroque composers was being thrown out the window by late classical era ones such as Beethoven and Mozart. As we progressed into the 19th century this nationalistic fever was caught by composers and brought forth a romantic explosion in musical composition. Many composers started to innovate on old models thus bringing forth new ideas and emotions previously unexplored in music. One of these such Romantic composers is Hector Belioz. In this Essay I will
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