Rsquo Monologue

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I fell to the floor sobbing knowing my life would never be the same. That’s what happened that horrible night in October after receiving a phone call from my step-aunt saying my grandfather had just passed away. I knew my life was going to change significantly. I started to rebel, it tore my family apart, and everyone looked for signs that he was still with us somewhere, somehow. Death of a loved one has a negative impact on everyone who loved that person. After my grandfather died I started to rebel. After what seemed like hours I had picked myself up from the ground, I didn’t really feel like doing anything. I couldn’t eat or sleep and I couldn’t bring myself to go out with friends to try to enjoy myself knowing…show more content…
They tried to convince me that the littlest things were really signs. My aunt asked me, “Meghan, do you remember the butterfly story? Then just look around and you will find your own sign for him.” The butterfly story is my aunt’s sign for her daughter who was killed by a drunk driver. My aunt went to her grave and prayed and asked God to tell her that Dana, my cousin, her daughter, was alright. She says that right after that a black butterfly with blue trim (the same colors of Dana’s favorite dress) landed on Dana’s grave, and she knew right then and there that Dana was in heaven and that she was alright. The night my grandfather died I went outside to smoke a cigarette and it was a very stormy, windy, dark night. To me it felt very uneasy and miserable as if the world knew that a wonderful man had left it. It was so windy that the tress were waving back and forth, my mother was convinced and tried to convince me that it was my grandfather trying to say goodbye to us. I however, was convinced that the world knew it was a mistake that they took my grandfather away from me and all his loved ones. I have yet to find a “sign” and think that I never will because I know it wasn’t my grandfather’s time to go. A lot of people look for signs that their loved ones are still with them to cope with the loss of a loved one or family member. In conclusion, death of a loved one has negative impacts on everyone who loved that person. People rebel, families get torn apart, and people drive themselves crazy looking for signs trying to believe that their loved ones are still with them. However, I have learned from experience that rebelling is a self destructive and dangerous way of coping. Instead I should have just appreciated my family more and kept myself busy with my responsibilities instead of ignoring

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