Rsquo's Academic Success

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On line schooling has helped make it possible for students, like myself, to obtain a Degree online. It has become a convenience for a wide range of people: those whom work full time, those who have children and those who would travel a great distance to get to a nearby campus. A student’s academic success becomes a journey down along road but there are several survival tips to follow along the way. At Axia College there are numerous Educational resources available to students. The University Library gives students access to thousands of books, articles, magazines and journals. This saves a student hours of research time and no traveling needed to get to a community library. With Axia University Library…show more content…
Some students are better visual learners and this gives them the capability to use that resource. Students also have the ability to download in multiple formats. You can save audio files to another device such as an IPod or an MP3 player which allows the student access at their convenience. The tutorials can also be saved to their own computer as well. Academic Honesty is a respected trait that a student carries with themselves throughout their college years. Academic Honesty is pretty much the basic standard for all colleges whether it’s online or on campus. Honesty is critical in achieving academic success as well as life in general. Axia College will punish those who are not honest. In order for a student to set and achieve goals one should have a plan. The plan would consist of short-term and long-term goals. The long term goal would be your final result of a students plan. Short term goals are stepping stones to achieve ones long term goal. Setting and achieving goals should play a very important part in a student’s online learning. You will learn that even though you have set your goals there will be times…show more content…
For a student to effectively foster reading retention they should learn to take great notes. This skill is one that every student should master. Personality and learning styles are probably two of the biggest keys to academic success. A person’s personality will either make or break their success. If a person is determined, strong willed and always positive, they do not want failure in their life. The self motivation they have only makes them strive more. If a person has a negative or low self esteem personality they are more than likely going to struggle. Anyone who has enrolled in online schooling should keep in mind that there will always be bumps in the road whether it is life events or academic success. A student just has to keep in mind they can overcome anything by being positive, determined and strong willed. A students learning style plays a very important part in academic success as well. All students learn and absorb information differently. Some are more hands on learners while others can visually comprehend lessons better. Students really need to explore
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