Ruthless Play Analysis

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REVIEW Ruthless is the musical which book and lyrics by Joal Pal, music by Marvin Laird. This play was directed by Ric Roberts and showed on Malcom Field Theatre for the Performing Arts on February 24 through 26, 7:30pm. I saw this amazing musical play on Saturday, Feb 26, 2011, and really enjoyed it. The music and lightening are fantastic, especially Tina’s “Born to entertain”, and it deeply caught my attention. There are eight female characters each with their own hope to become “the lead” in this play. This contemporary farce gives a wink and nod to many classic and spoofs Broadway musicals, like Gypsy and Mame, and movies such as The Bad Seed and All about Eve! Murder, mayhem and music are the constant companions of these characters as…show more content…
At the encouragement of Sylvia, Tina start to audition for the school play, Pippi in Tahiti, the Musical, feeding her thirst for stardom. But the Third-grade teacher; Miss Myrna Thorn choose an untalented child, Louise Lerman to be the lead of the musical. That’s really made Tina jealous and misunderstands. She wants to be the lead, want to be a future star. She is the demon seed of a child will do anything to be the lead in her school musical. Tina and Louis had argument at the rehearsal of the musical, after "begging nicely and saying please," Tina has evil thought of murdering the poor girl Louise by hanging her with the jump rope and to be the lead of the show. Tina's crime is discovered, she is sent away to the Daisy Clover School for Psychopathic Ingenues in the ACT II. After two years, she come out and goes to find her mother who turned into a talented performer in NYC. The tragedy starts from here. Sylvia wants to turn the newly freed Tina into the star she should be. But Judy became a selfness mother and do not want the public know that she has a daughter. Act 2 is more deranged as we meet two other characters: Eve and Miss Block. When Eve (Louis’s mother) took out the gun, all people were killed at the end, only Tina alive and left the apartment to persuade her super-star dream. Most of the sounds that Tina sang…show more content…
They also left me strong impressions. That was very funny when Louis sang the Pippi Song, she was childish not like Tina, but adorable. When she spells it P-I-P-P-Y, it makes the teacher to correct and seems so ironic why Tina cannot get the lead but she did. Myrna Thorn looks like a self-absorbed teacher and sang a great song “Teaching Third Grade” in this play. In my opinion, her misunderstanding leads the start of the tragedy. She did not choose the talented child to be the lead makes Tina jealous and murdered Louis. Eva showed up as Ginger’s assistant. I thought she was coming to revenge, but I was wrong. She is attempting to remake herself into Ginger in the play. That’s confusing why she took out the guy and finally shot by Tina. Miss Block, a lesbian reporter whose role in the musical I simply cannot figure out, she even not have any song and was shot by Tina when she come back to get her pad and pen. That’s too crazy that Tina killed all the people in the musical and made it looks like a tragedy. Before she leaves the apartment, she explaining that there's no money in Broadway and that she's moving to Hollywood to get a

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