Safeguarding Assignment

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Name: Mr Lee Raistrick Student number: 10436005 Bradford College Safeguarding Assignment Word Count of this assignment: 2637 Introduction This essay will discuss the role of the family in the welfare and nurturing, or potential abuse of, children. It will discuss the different type of abuse and how these can be recognised by professionals. It will then attempt to define safeguarding and discuss relevant legislation in the implementation of safeguarding procedures by professionals. The essay will conclude with the author reflecting on his application of safeguarding principles in his provision. Families When discussing safeguarding children it is important to…show more content…
The green paper ‘Every Child Matters’ was published in September 2007 in response to the death of Victoria Climbiē, which resulted in the Laming (2003) report. However the introduction of legislation and guidance is not enough on its own, as The Green Paper was published in 2007 did not prevent the tragic case of baby P. The Munro (2011) report is another example highlighting the need for multiagency working in responding to child abuse to prevent further harm. Every Child Matters aim was to ensure that the local authorities utilised a multi agency approach with the aim of developing plans to enable work with young people and children in that area. Children should be encouraged to share their views and to be consulted on changes, thus giving them a voice in parliament via the Children’s commissioner. Though not legislation, Every Child Matters is widely used as guidance in…show more content…
The four steps involve identifying needs, assessing needs, delivering integrating services and reviewing progress to see if further action is needed. This assessment needs to be completed holistically and is designed to delivery coordinated service and review process. The CAF process is designed to be instigated when a practitioner has concerns about the progress of a young person, or if a child or carer raises a concern with a practitioner that their child’s needs are not being met by that service. As Brammer (2010) states, it is important for local authorities to uphold a partnership between the family and themselves. This is purely a voluntary basis and consent is mandatory. Families do not have disclose anything they do not wish to, however if information is disclosed then the practitioner must follow their safeguarding processes
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