Salem Data Services Case

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Salem Telephone Company Case Salem Data Services is a subsidiary of the Salem Telephone Company that is managed by Cynthia Wu. The company’s main purpose is to perform data processing for its parent company. In 2000, Salem Telephone Company president, Peter Flores thought the existence of the Salem Data Services subsidiary would “reduce the pressure for telephone rate increases” within the company. After conducting some research and becoming aware of the fact that other businesses in the region could use similar telephone services, it became very apparent that it would be a good idea to sell computer time that was not needed by the telephone operations they were conducting. In Flores’s mind Salem Data Services could serve as competition with other computer service organizations while having non-regulatory prices. The only way for this idea to come to fruition was by making sure the monthly charges for services provided by Salem Data Services to Salem Telephone Company did not exceed the $82,000 mark. Through all of the reassessment of business for the company, three years after the reorganization, the company still was not as profitable as president Peter Flores estimated. Once the quarterly reports came in Flores called the meeting with Wu because the reports served as evidence as to how and why Salem Data Services was not driving high revenues. 1. Variable costs in relation to revenue hours have an identifiable relationship with the revenue hours that are listed. While there is a relationship with variable costs and revenue hours, fixed costs stay the same regardless of revenue hours. Fixed Costs: * Space Costs include: rent, custodial services * Equipment Costs: Computer leases, maintenance, depreciation of computer equipment and office equipment and fixtures * Wages and Salaries: Operations: salaried staff, system development,

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