Sandro Botticelli Essay

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3. Sandro Botticelli (Changes in his Art) In this response, the change in Botticelli’s art work and influences through his lifetime as an artist will be exhibited. Basically, from birth, Sandro Botticelli was brought up to paint. His father put him under the artist’s direction of Fillipo Lippi when he was 14 who was the most admired Florentine artist of his time. Due to this, Botticelli’s art style was heavily influenced by him. He taught him a variety of techniques such as panel paintings and frescos, also teaching his about the concept of linear perspective. In his 20’s, Fillipo Lippi left Florence and Botticelli then improved the “soft figural Style” he learnt off him. He then studied the sculptural style of Antonio Pollaiulo and Andre Del Verrocchio and adapted their styles into his works producing beautiful painting of figures with roundness. In the early years of Botticelli’s art career, his works follow the humanism style which focuses on the human figure rather than on space, this style was very famous in Florence at the time. Works like St. Sebastion, 1474 show this particular style of emphasising the human figure. The next style that Botticelli focused on was painting classical mythology and gods. At the time of these particular paintings, he was working for the famous Medici family which paid him to paint allegorical and religious paintings. The changes in his art at this time were influenced by the experiences he had in his life which was being influenced by neo- platonic views. Botticelli’s style was significantly different from the other renaissance painters who concentrated on painting the existence of new humans in a world illuminated by new perspectives and opportunities. He chose to create a classical universe that was above all an evocation of the past of to escape from reality. Up until 1480, he was using his previous style, but a new
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