Satire Art: the Simpsons

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Satire Art: The Simpsons When the sun sets and rises, the ever expanding skies seem to conceive an undeniable sense of being; one can only be convinced that not only beauty is among us, but hope that beauty can be captured and created. A simple sunset is a fairly universal concept of something that can evoke emotion. The profound difference of day and night signifies, as well as helps, the embedded defining lines of reality. Dualism presents the differing spectrums of our awareness, which dictate the observance of the perceivable phenomena around us. The greatly differing art from era to era presents an issue of greater meaning. Going into perception of any individual’s reasoning of emotion from observation of something that can be judged with grace or ill regard should be considered only to those viewing the piece. The artist should actually care for his work and carry an essence of narrative to it to be considered well crafted. Although if the one taking in the piece fails to make any connection or perceives it to be something totally different does the validity of the piece to be considered good art change? It may. Another question arises; do things as peer pressure, trends, pop culture, and purely seeking fame deflower the attempt to create something of worth that can be glorified by peers? “The definition of art is controversial in contemporary philosophy. Whether art can be defined has also been a matter of controversy. The philosophical usefulness of a definition of art has also been debated.” (Beardsley, 2007). Seeking originality or seeking to not be unique as a way to standout. It really doesn’t matter, as with beauty, art is in the eye of the beholder. The ever expanding ways to express one’s self is bewildering. A form of art that has always drawn in people has been works of satire, earlier forms to now have the purpose to have given
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