Secret Life Of Bees

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In the novel Secret Life Of bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Lily narrates the novel in the first-person, unfolding the events she experiences from her point of view and also retelling the stories of others. In chapter 2 Lily decides to head to Tiburon after helping Rosaleen escape the hospital and possible death. Lily finds this town written on her mother’s black Mary picture, so decides this is where she wants to go. After Rosaleen pours her snuff juice on three white men, she and Lily are sent to jail. The three men followed them on their way. They request for Rosaleen to apologize and once she refuses, one hits her head with a flashlight. T. Ray comes to take out Lily out of jail and leaves Rosaleen behind. T. Ray then tells Lily that one of Rosaleen’s attacker is considered the towns worst racist and that he would kill Rosaleen even if she does apologize. At home T. Ray makes a comment about how Deborah had already left Lily when she came home and was killed, and to just grab her things, not Lily. Even though that comment really hurt Lily she did not believe that that’s why her mom came back. She soon notices that the bee jar is empty, and she realizes that she needs to escape her own jar meaning to run away. On their way to Tiburon a black man driving a truck of Cantaloupe picks them up. The man drives them three miles away from Tiburon. After he drops them off, they walk about and head into a creek. In the creek, Lily is telling Rosaleen what T.Ray said about her mother. Rosaleen starts thinking about it as well and somewhat agrees with her father. Lily then mentions to Rosaleen the reason why they are heading to Tiburon. Rosaleen then gets upset blaming Lily because Lily did not tell her why they were off too Tiburon in the beginning. She assumed it was for her and not for Lily finding information about her mother. They get in an argument and split apart.

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