Secrets Of 911 Essay

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Secrets of 911 ------------------------------------------------- EN102 Joeseph Crossman Secrets of 911 ------------------------------------------------- EN102 Joeseph Crossman People live in groups and groups form societies and hence governments. This is a truth that cannot be disputed. In the United States, we have an open government in which in theory, ideas are exchanged, and information flows relatively freely, in theory anyway. Perhaps the most horrific and tragic events to ever take place on mainland United States soil were the attacks of September 11th 2001. These were attacks that not only lead to the loss of a great many lives, but also embedded a new sense of fear in the hearts of Americans. The attacks of September 11th were the first attacks…show more content…
Before the attacks, the United States has used several ways in which to monitor terrorism. Again, some of this has to do with intelligence, and it was known that Bin Laden was targeting the United States. “As the 1990's wore on, the government was well aware that Osama bin Laden was targeting the United States for attack.” In fact, some of the intelligence gathered by the various groups with that responsibility prior to 9/11 found that Afghanistan was harboring Osama Bin Laden, bombed and were planning to bomb US Embassies in Africa, and also planned attacks on Americans and Israeli tourists visiting Jordan during the time of Millennial celebrations. These are important findings as they illustrate that the intelligence gatherers knew not only where Bin Laden was, but also that the United States was being targeted, and therefore, could have tried to institute provisions to protect against attack on mainland US soil. In fact, this is a fact that the government continues to try and cover up. In fact, part of this cover up concerns information that was given to the United States from other
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