Self Ownership In Canada

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Self Ownership. There is a common held axiom in our society that we as individuals are free. While we do enjoy a large amount of freedom's in this country that many countries around the world do not share, the idea that we are completely free is a false belief. We as Canadians do not have full Self Ownership of our bodies, we at best have partial ownership. It is my belief that I as an individual, I have the full right of ownership over my body, to do with as I please. In short I have full sovereignty over my body. So What does self ownership mean? How does the concept of self ownership improve society? These are surprisingly simple questions to answer, self ownership is not a hard concept to grasp. Self Ownership is the concept that you and I as sovereign beings have full ownership and responsibility over our bodies and our minds. In Self ownership lyes the truest and most fundamental ideals of freedom-- do as you wish as long as your actions do not impede on the freedoms of others . This is a concept that many people believe we already practice in our society, but this is not the case. There are many laws that inhibit us as the owners of our bodies from having the freedom to do as we please. Laws that inhibit the personal choices that we as individuals have the right to make for ourselves, laws that are created on a moral bases, to prohibit…show more content…
We as individual's should be trusted to make our own decisions for ourselves as long as those decisions do not interject on anyone else's rights. This entire philosophy of self ownership, is based on self responsibility and the idea that we as human beings have the capacity and ability to thrive and prosper without the guiding hand of “Big Brother”, and that we are adults, free adults. Society would become a freer place if this philosophy was
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