Shc 034 Essay

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UNIT SHC34 Principles for implementing duty of care Please refer to unit assessment criteria when answering these questions. Explain what it means to have a duty of care in your own work role. (1.1) According to Wikipedia duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeable harm others. That means that we must do everything we can to keep the people in their care safe from harm. It is not only the care establishment that needs to prioritize the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services, but also the care workers of the establishment. My employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that working conditions are safe, and suitable to deliver the service. For example in my work place we carry out daily checks to ensure that the environment inside and outside is safe. We have daily cleaning rotas to ensure the session is clean to avoid cross infection. We have to make sure that staff has been trained and that it has the right equipment to carry out daily tasks. Care plans are followed and reviewed regularly to accommodate the service user’s needs. Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals (1.2) Duty of care contributes to the safeguarding/protection of individuals by preventing abuse, whatever sexual, physical or emotional harmful ways. It helps to preserve respect and dignity. Give examples of potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights (2.1) 1 – someone could refuse to eat. It’s my responsibility to make sure that all service users are being well nourished. Some times someone refuses to eat just because they don’t like food available. It’s my responsibility respect their wishes, but

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