Should Kids Pick Their Own Punishment Analysis

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In this article, two people Bruce Feiler and KJ Dell’ Antonia are blogging between each other on the basis of the question “Should Kids Pick Their Own Punishments”. The conversation begins with Bruce telling her that him and his wife approach children differently, and that his wife tends to be more forgiving while he himself is towards more controlling and strict. I believe that these two concepts come into hand when approaching kids, because always being strict and not forgiving won’t work and always being lenient and very forgiving won’t work for the kids also. It’s better to be moderate. As he mentioned in his blog “We let our kids help pick their own punishments and rewards”, he says here that giving the opportunity gives them the chance…show more content…
She says that being in charge of consequences for anything from bad behavior to failing to finish chores is making sure that her kids are in control. I agree with this, because my parents control me for the same reasons. I think it is absolutely okay to think of not giving up parental control when it is required most of the time. She also thinks that making sure that the kids are slightly afraid of you as a parent and know the guidelines at home, the better they will think and act. Again that is how my parents worked with me when I was in Elementary School. Though kids may feel afraid, parents in this manner will teach them to be good when they grow up. Bruce again replies that whatever she mentioned is mostly true. He mentions that our families have mostly parental authority and that parents should fix strict borders and grant limited freedom within. He believes this is where kids will learn self independence and motivation. I agree with this and believe that if this is done, it will maintain a good parent to child connection. Finally KJ replies that siblings work together to get things done or for a reward. And she tells that different rules may apply to different children at different moments. I again agree with is once
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