Should Sa Use Wind Farms To Generate Electricity?

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What is wind energy? Wind power is created by a wind turbine. A wind turbine is a machine made up of usually three blades called a rotor. This sits atop a very tall pole called the tower. As the wind blows, the rotor spins. As it does, the kinetic energy of the spinning rotor supplies power to a generator, inside which a magnet is spun around a coil of copper wire (or vice versa), which forms electricity. This electricity is called wind energy. A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in the same location used to create larger amounts of electricity. Wind farms are built in places where it is always windy. The electricity generated in wind farms is sold to electric companies that provide this electricity to people living in cities and towns. Aside from visual and noise pollution, wind turbines are pollution-free. Wind energy is renewable. This is a huge advantage because as long as the wind blows there is power to turn the blades of the rotor. However, there are some disadvantages to wind generators. Though this is rare, the blades on a wind turbine can kill birds that fly into them. Some people say that wind turbines are unsightly and that they take away from the beauty of the natural land. However, saying this does not prove a good reason not to use wind energy to generate electricity. The benefits are far greater than the disadvantages, and wouldn’t you rather a wind turbine than coal plants? The look of wind turbines and whether they are appealing or an eyesore is a matter of personal opinion, and should not be a contributing argument in the debate about wind farm electricity. Having said that, not only do wind turbines create visual pollution, but they also create another form: noise pollution. One wind turbine is noisy enough that anyone can hear it within a hundred-metre radius. The blades of a wind turbine make a humming noise as well as a whoosh

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