Side Effects Of Electronic Cigarettes

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Electronic Cigarettes, I think they will work for me COMM215 Electronic Cigarettes, I think they will work for me. While not enough is known about their long-term risks or the effects of secondhand exposure, studies have shown that many people have completely quit by using electronic cigarettes by slowly lowering nicotine levels for example “Electronic Cigarettes: Do They Have a Role in Smoking Cessation?” (J.E. Odum, K. A. O’Dell, J. S, Schepers, 2012). Electronic cigarettes are more cost effective than regular cigarettes and Electronic cigarettes are safer than combustion cigarettes because electronic cigarettes do not have all of the carcinogenic chemicals that a regular cigarette has. I believe that electronic cigarettes can and…show more content…
2). Those are great results especially for someone who has been nicotine dependent for so long. There is also evidence to show that the side effects are also very minimal. Patients only reported minor side effects and normally at the beginning of the study. Some of the side effects such as throat irritation, headache, vertigo and nausea (Odum, O'Dell, & Schepers, 2012). Electronic cigarettes have been proven to be safer than traditional cigarettes due to the fact that the only carcinogenic chemical in the liquid is nicotine and that can be cut out completely. The liquids come in many different flavors to appeal to the users of electronic cigarettes. There are liquids with 16mg, 8mg and 6mg of nicotine and no nicotine at all. I think that with the ability to adjust the nicotine intake would make it easier for one to slowly wean themselves from…show more content…
From the research I have gathered, it seems that the e-cigarette is a safe and effective tool in smoking cessation. I have tried the nicotine patches, nicotine gum and the a few of the drugs that are supposed to assist with making a person not be dependent on nicotine and these did not work for me. The next step is to try electronic cigarettes and see where that takes me on my road to quitting traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes may save me from heart disease or some form of cancer which is attributed to traditional smoking and tobacco products, that means that I will be around to see my children progress thought life and be here for my grandchildren as

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