Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Worker

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Skills and Characteristics of Mental Health Human Services Worker There are not many people, whom I have worked with; that I could say, is an excellent Human Service Worker as Sarah Van Bortel. Sarah was working with the Mt. Hope Family Center in Rochester, New York, when I first had the opportunity to meet her. Her specialty at the time was working with children with mental health, and behavioral issues, with most of her patients from home life situations in connection with the Child Protection Services division of the Monroe County Department of Human Services, through the with the Mt. Hope Family Center which is dedicated to helping children and families improve their lives. Sarah clients range from the age of three to twelve and also works with sibling groups. Sarah has many different clients that have many different problem and behavior issues. Foster Children are the main focus in Sarah’s clients. The Center deals primarily with the through treatment, prevention, research, and training in the areas of human development, child maltreatment, and mental disorders in children and families, they provide the resources parents and children need to build strong, healthy family, and peer relationships. ( With the unique personality she poses, and the excellent communication skills, she built a cliental that has made her a valuable resource that could be utilized to give the care, and therapy that many children of Monroe County, New York are in need of. The relationship that Sarah builds with the clients is like a lifelong friendship, and is in place until the client ages out, and or moves on in their life. Her relationship she builds using various types of therapy, is one of trust, loyalty, parental strength, and genuine care for each of her patients. Sarah personalizes the treatment plans for each client through play
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