Slavery In The Atlantic World

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Slavery in the Atlantic World HIS/379 March 16, 2015 Slavery in the Atlantic World Slavery is one of the most inhuman acts known to man, slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and forced into labor, it was very much a part of the Atlantic World. The Atlantic World consists of the four continents that surround the Atlantic Ocean. Africa, Europe, North and South America are the four continents surrounding the Atlantic Ocean. When Christopher Columbus landed in the new world in 1492, he paved the way for Europeans to migrate to the New World. European expansion moved in two directions, Africa and the Atlantic Ocean, (Instructor Guidance). West Africa and Portugal established trade between the two countries.…show more content…
Over time the African American was subjected to legalized slavery laws. From 1660 to 1860 every state had its own slave code, these codes made slavery a permanent condition defining slaves as property. Slave laws or codes would define the status of the free black man by regulating their emancipation, they determined where the free black man could or couldn't go, (Library of Congress). In 1705 Virginia was the first American colony to define legalize slavery by law. According to the 1705 law, all blacks, mulattoes, and Native Americans, all non-Christian persons brought into the colonies as servants (even should they later convert to Christianity) were considered slaves, (PBS, 2004). The Code Noir (The Black Code) was the legalized law for slavery regarding the Islands of French America. The French law was from the King of France. The French was set up to maintain the discipline of the Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith in the islands (Code Noir). The British Law was enacted by Virginia's House of Burgesses, as a colony all laws were subjected to review by the King of England, the British courts did recognize the status of slaves in the colonies and use common and commercial law concepts to enforce sales contracts or marine policies involving the buying, selling, and shipment of African slaves, (Finkelman, 2012). According to The Code…show more content…
(2001). The Atlantic World in the Age of Empire. Belmont, California, United States of America: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Code Noir. Retrieved from 2301-4ccf-a1bc-0b4bb3d36748/Code_Noir.pd Gene Borio, (1998). Tobacco BBS (212-982-4645). Retrieved from: Kimberly Sambol-Tosco (2004). The Slave Experience: Legal Rights and Government. from PBS Home Web Site: Norman Coombs, The Immigrant Heritage of America, Twayne Press, 1972. CHAPTER 3,The Shape of American Slavery O'Connor,C. HIST 379 Instuctor Guidance. Retrieved from: Paul Finkelman (2010). Slavery in the United States. Person or Property?. from Slavery in the Capital. (2010). from American Treasures of the Library of Congress Web Site: Slavery Timeline. Retrieved from Smithsonian National Museum of American History. (2010). New tastes, new trades. On the Water Online Exhibition. Retrieved
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