Smart or Pure Evil? Dr Jekyll

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Smart? Or just pure evil? You could argue on both sides, but I strongly believe he was smart. For three reasons I believe this to be so. The first reason is he just wanted to help society, not to harm them. The second reason he did not do any illegal testing. Then the third reason is because he made the wrong, yet right decision in the end. The first reason is he just wanted to help society never to harm them. He started to test with these chemicals to help people. T take the evil out of society today. To separate dual nature, which was good yet evil. Jekyll was a good man, never wanted to do harm. He also didn't want other to be in harm either, so that's when the madness began. The second reason is he did not do any illegal testing. He did not test on anyone but himself. If he did not test on himself, then that would be cruel. As stated before, Jekyll didn't cause harm. Yet only he caused harm to himself. If he did not try to play the role of God in the first place, madness would have not occurred. Also might have saved lives, including his. The third reason is because he made the wrong, yet right decision. I state this because in the end the good side won. Jekyll killed himself so society wouldn't suffer to mr Hyde anymore. Asa in the end of the novel the mixture was not working any longer. He may have to be Mr.Hyde forever. it was the right, yet so wrong decision Dr.Jekyll had made. These reasons make him seem clever because, he could have let Hyde take over. Hyde would have continued to murder and be pure evil to society. Jekyll wanted to put an end to want he had become of himself. It would put him out of the misery, and the society around him out of their misery and fear of

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