Social Learning In Everlasting Moments

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Social Learning in Everlasting Moments The film Everlasting Moment each main character is well-developed and to due to great attention to detail in the storyline of the film the audience is provided with numerous glimpses into each of the characters personalities and points of view. The well-developed characters and character centered plot lend the film to psychological analysis. Sigmund or “Sigge”, the father, is one of the main characters of the film and can be analyzed using the behaviorism and social learning approach. Much of Sigge’s behavior can be attributed to observational learning. The film must be viewed in the context of the early 20th century time period in which it is set. Sigge’s abuse of his wife and children was learned because it is much more commonplace than it is now. Sigge was most likely raised in what would now be considered an abusive home began observing and learning by example the dynamics of family life from an early age. The example that was set was most likely an abusive family dynamic and therefore Sigge learned this way of interesting with his wife and children from the way he was raised. Furthermore, although even then spousal abuse was not encouraged, it was far less taboo and Sigge most likely observed it in many families beyond his own. Sigge’s overall treatment of women in general throughout the film can also be attributed to observational learning. During this time period women were essentially considered to be second class citizens and treated by most men as such. Sigge most likely learned to objectify women by seeing this type of behavior demonstrated by other men in his culture. This is how he can rationalize cheating on his wife several times and still be angry with her for even seeing another man without him knowing. Sigge’s behavior with his family can also be explained using the frustration-aggression
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